On-Premises (aka, in my apartment)

Below is the list of all of the compute nodes I am running in my apartment.

Mamamoo cluster

Back in 2023, I bought 4x RockPI 4A+ (read about this endeavor here). This was the first expansion to my homelab, bringing redundancy and high availability to my most commonly used services. They are all plugged in to a Netgear GS324TP, which is supplied power via a CyberPower CP1500PFCLCD.

Moonbyul and Wheein are responsible for low-requirement, high-throughput tasks (e.g. rarely-used webapps, text processing, DNS), while Hwasa and Solar provide low latency and redundancy in data access, for applications that require high network throughput.


All nodes are identical except the storage device attached. They are RockPi 4A+ with PoE HAT and M.2 extension board.

I.O.I cluster

For a multitude of reasons, I've come into the possession of some decently-spec'd laptops. Rather than have them sit in a closet, unused, I use them for background tasks that require decent compute and are tolerant of slow network speeds. Most of their tasks revolve around data visualization and preprocessing input for AI.



I also have a couple PCs built from consumer hardware. These nodes are reserved for tasks that require high CPU, GPU, or network throughput.
