About me
My journey with software development started at a young age. In my early teenage years, MMOs were in their heyday and I spent entirely too much time playing RuneScape. Faced with the conflicting desires to level up in-game and to spend time socializing, I turned to botting in order to achieve both at once. The publically available scripts were not very good, and my teenage hubris made me confident that I could create something better myself (spoiler alert: I could, and did).
At the tail end of my teenage years, I had gained enough skill to make a decent living (for a teenager, at least) from gold farming. I realized that this wasn't a sustainable "career" path, and I pivoted to developing enterprise software, mostly in the fintech space.
After about five years of that, accompanied by constant learning, I realized that software is the biggest force multiplier of the modern age. My goal in life has become to maximize the amount of work that one person can accomplish. With the advent of kubernetes, it is possible to stand on the shoulders of giants, and achieve things I could have never done on my own. Since 2021, the majority of my free time has been spent learning about and running all kinds of software, on all parts of the backend stack (see my software page for more info).
There are a lot of reasons, but the biggest is that I just want things to work. I want to be able to have my own copy of the source code, to compile it, and to have it run, even if the company or people that once provided it have moved on. This ideal became more dear to me when I discovered Dendron in 2021, when it quickly became my primary PKM tool. It started with looking into GitHub alternatives, and things snowballed from there.
How can I know when things are down, in a passive and timely manner? How can I recover from issues without having to manually intervene? How can I ensure redundancy and backups, if I encounter an unrecoverable error?
These are all questions that I have sought answers to, and found, thanks to open source software.
This website is meant only to be consumed; I am not looking for others reach out to me. If you've stumbled upon this website by happenstance, congratulations, and I hope you enjoy your visit.